

  • asset: A tangible, geographically piece of the Earth surface defined as a polygon of any shape by a list of latitude and longitude points. The first and the last point must be the same point to complete the polygon. Assets must be less than 1000 acres.


  • domain: The second part of the email address for a user, defined entirely by the characters after the @. Common domains such as,, etc.) are considered invalid.


  • GeoID: A 65-character alphanumeric string that represents a unique identifier for an asset in geometric and geographic space. The GeoID is generated by the asset registry as an output for a given unique asset boundary as input. For example, a GeoID might resemble the following string: 2ed244467542c7168b0dada8e57bf6f86a7c7ebddb44d0c0fc362dd1ff63d735.


  • Resolution level: Represents the size of the geographical cell of the earth surface ranging from more than 85 million km^2 to less than 1 cm^2, as delineated by the S2 API cell statistic for the S2 open source geospatial indexing library. The resolution is a number between 0 and 30 (inclusive of both. For more information, see S2 Cell Statistics.


  • S2 index: A string token that defines the geographical address of a unique S2 cell at any of the 31 levels of resolution. For more information about this open source standard, see S2 Cell Hierarchy.